Before we make any recommendations on your system’s improvement, we begin with our Evaluation process. Our initial conversations are surface-level investigations into your current or desired compressed air system, goals, and plant layout.
These meetings are then followed up with an onsite walkthrough. During the walkthrough, one or more of our team members will do a physical evaluation to confirm things discussed in our initial meeting and gather a few additional details.
- Preliminary information on the clients current compressed air system includes:
- Determine what the customer’s goals and motivation are to move this opportunity forward
- Confirm equipment details & operation scenarios.
- Determine how many compressors normally operate.
- Understand the hours of operation for the plant air system.
- Gather power cost in order to estimate the current annual energy spend.
- Onsite walkthrough will involve:
- Confirming equipment layout and details
- Determine how much power each unit is consuming
- Document the different pressures in the system
- Overview of the main headers
- Look for demand side opportunities
- Deliverable is to provide an estimate of the savings opportunity and firm up the annual spend. This could include an audit proposal if applicable and our audit guarantee or a proposal for the solution that we recommend.
Clients are often referred to move forward with a thorough compressed air audit, but not always. We encourage you to check out our Audit and Turnkey Solution pages to get a complete picture of how our process comes together.